When the unthinkable happens on the way to visit her brother, Bella finds herself in terrible danger. More than just the elements are against her and the others as they fight for survival on a deserted island. She finds not only safety in Edward, but also her soulmate . Will that be enough if they aren’t rescued in time?
Skyjack verb: to commandeer an aircraft, usually at gunpoint during flight, forcing the pilot to fly somewhere other than to the scheduled destination
There was no doubt in my mind that the story the Captain told was just that, a story. There was no light to check out and as if to back that thought up, as I headed toward the cockpit door, it swung open to reveal Jacob Black and Riley Biers, the two guys who had been causing trouble earlier on in the flight. They were also both on the list Marcus had sent me and even though there was no incriminating information held on file, that didn’t convince me that they weren’t involved in something. I didn’t know what it was yet, but I was determined to find out.
Now that the plane had come to a halt close to one of the hangers, I was pretty sure that Black and Biers were attempting to hijack it; I just didn’t know why yet.
Black raised the gun he held. “Get back to your seat, fucker? You hear me? Mind your own fucking business or I’ll put a bullet in you.”
Raising my hands to show I wasn’t a threat, I retreated a few steps. The gun didn’t waver but my eyes flicked behind him to see the Captain lying on the floor, a pool of blood underneath his head and Biers standing over him.
“Do you need any help?” I managed to make my voice quaver, figuring that he would be less inclined to think of me as any sort of threat. My eyes flicked back to him and he slowly lowered the gun.
“You a doctor?” he grunted.
“Nah , but my Dad is so I know a fair bit.” I tried to sound nonchalant and it must have worked to some extent because he motioned me forward with the gun indicating the interior of the cabin. I edged past him carefully and knelt on the floor.
“We need him able to assist the co-pilot to fly this hunk of metal out of here.” Black spoke again.
Instead of answering him, I looked around and saw the co-pilot slumped over the aircraft controls, unconscious.
“Well it doesn’t look like he’s fit either does it?” My comment was sarcastic, and earned me a swift kick in the side from Biers.
“He will be,” he ground out.
I carefully turned the Captain over noting that his name was James Hunter. Rubbing his sternum as I had seen my Dad do, I spoke to him. “Captain Hunter … James … can you hear me?”
He groaned and his eyes flickered open, but his gaze wasn’t clear. I could see a nasty gash on the side of his head that looked suspiciously like the mark a bullet would make. Now I was concerned; a head wound bled a lot but the problem would be that he might not wake and if he did, he might not be able to pilot a plane. There was nothing I could do for now, except to clean him up and make him comfortable.
“Can we move him out there?” I indicated the seats in front of the cockpit. At Black’s nod, Biers took his heels and together we lifted him and laid him across the two seats where Heidi had lifted the arms to provide a little comfort for the man.
A tap on my shoulder had me spinning around and I only just barely managed to avoid my immediate action to pull my gun. Bella looked a little taken aback and looked at me warily.
“I can help,” she whispered. Turning to Black, who stood further back, she explained she was a nurse. Instead of answering her, his gaze stroked over every inch of her body, leering. His eyes narrowed and he took a step forward. Bella equally took one back, until she was leaning against me. Black’s eyes rose to mine, smirking but he nodded, agreeing without speaking.
Stunned at the possessiveness and anger that coursed through me at that moment, I said nothing, trying to work out why I felt that way. It was too soon, my mind screamed. I’d only known her for a bare few hours, but I was unable to deny that I felt something for her; I just didn't know what or how much further the feelings might grow. I sighed mentally and returned my attention to the situation, knowing that now Bella was on Black’s radar and his thoughts were not pleasant; he wanted her. What’s more, I had become known to him now and it was likely he’d take any opportunity to bring me down.
Black finally turned away from us and Bella asked Heidi if she had a first aid kit.
“Of course, miss … ”
“Just Bella, thanks, Heidi.” Bella smiled at her.
“Bella,” Heidi nodded and stepped into the galley. Reaching into an overhead cupboard, she produced the kit she was asked for and handed it to her. Opening it, Bella, removed gauze, and antiseptic and proceeded to clean Hunter’s wound and apply a bandage, which did ease the bleeding. He still showed no signs of coming round, but his breathing was easier, so I was hopeful he would recover.
The sound of a voice from the radio in the cockpit interrupted my musings as Black stepped toward the coms . “Black, that you?”
“Caius, my old friend. You here already, man?”
“That I am, Jacob. You ready for me and Paul?”
“Good stuff. Any police or soldiers?”
“A few, but I reckon we can get around them, no problem. I’ve some men prepared to create a nice little diversion, leaving us free to make it through to you in around thirty minutes.” He laughed. “Just listen for the big bang.”
He signed off and Black turned to Heidi. “You heard? My friends will be with us soon. We’ll be taking off as soon as they get here. In the meantime … ” He thrust a list at herkyjacked . “... I want to see these people.”
“What do you want them for?” I questioned. Swinging around, Black glared at me, obviously having forgotten I was still standing there.
“What’s it to you, fucker? It’s none of your business.” He glared at me, before his gaze sliding over Bella once more. I moved to stand in front of her to block him, but he only smirked.
I wasn't sure if this was the best time to let him know who I was, but it looked like not only was he about to get reinforcements but also was prepared to take us all to hell knows where. The why was still unknown, but it couldn’t be good. Bella’s touch reminded me she was still behind me, and my mind was instantly made up. If I could somehow stop them from taking off, albeit an almost impossible task, then I would have to take the chance.
Can't wait for this one.
ReplyDeleteThis one looks great. I take it that Edward is a sky Marshall?