Summary: At school, Edward Cullen and Bella Swan exist in entirely different social circles. One chance encounter allows them to see themselves in a new light, however, they agree to keep their budding friendship under wraps. With each harbouring their own secrets, the question remains: which one will fall first?
"Okay, okay, I know I say this every time, but he is so hot."
It takes everything Ihave not to roll my eyes. The truth is that my best friend, the wonderful Angela Weber, does say it every time we see him, or every time he walks past us. Really, she once said it when she spied his name written on our class list. It's actually a little ridiculous, given that she's never said a word to him.
The poor boy.
"I mean, just look at him."
Despite my stance on the matter, I do look. Angela's not wrong, at least. He's definitely easy on the eyes, all tall and broad, with unruly hair, andmesmerising green-grey eyes. Wait, did I just use the word 'mesmerising ?'
"It's not even fair," Angela says with a huff. "Nobody should be allowed to look that clothes, no less."
I shake my head, my attention returning to the sandwich in front of me. It's tuna salad, which isn't really my favorite, but Jake brought it for me when he dropped off my denim jacket a little earlier, and I just couldn't say no. It's actually a good thing though, because we're dissecting in Biology next, and nobody needs to know what I ate for lunch when it probably - definitely - comes back up. So I won't eat it.
I pick at the crust of the rye bread, only half-listening to Angelago on about how hot he is. I've told her just to talk to him, in the hopes that she'll get over her crush and we can all get on with our lives. We've been able to deduce that he is, in fact, single, but even I have to admit there's something incredibly standoffish about him.
Edward Cullen is about as approachable as the demonlovechild of a porcupine and a snake. Please don't ask me how the baby-making would work, because I have enough nightmares as it is.
"What do you think he smells like?" Angela asks and, this time, I do roll my eyes.
"Probably like chlorine and the hellfire," I say, and she shoots me a dirty glare. I can't help my laugh. "Seriously, Ange, he probably smells like a normal human boy."
"But he's not a normal human boy."
I sigh, leaning back in my chair. She's probably right though. It's unlikely anybody in this place is normal.
Myself included.
"Okay, okay, I know I say this every time, but he is so hot."
It takes everything I
The poor boy.
"I mean, just look at him."
Despite my stance on the matter, I do look. Angela's not wrong, at least. He's definitely easy on the eyes, all tall and broad, with unruly hair, and
"It's not even fair," Angela says with a huff. "Nobody should be allowed to look that good...
I shake my head, my attention returning to the sandwich in front of me. It's tuna salad, which isn't really my favorite, but Jake brought it for me when he dropped off my denim jacket a little earlier, and I just couldn't say no. It's actually a good thing though, because we're dissecting in Biology next, and nobody needs to know what I ate for lunch when it probably - definitely - comes back up. So I won't eat it.
I pick at the crust of the rye bread, only half-listening to Angela
Edward Cullen is about as approachable as the demon
"What do you think he smells like?" Angela asks and, this time, I do roll my eyes.
"Probably like chlorine and the hellfire," I say, and she shoots me a dirty glare. I can't help my laugh. "Seriously, Ange, he probably smells like a normal human boy."
"But he's not a normal human boy."
I sigh, leaning back in my chair. She's probably right though. It's unlikely anybody in this place is normal.
Myself included.
Approximate Posting Date: Tuesday, 28th November.
Approximate Posting Date: Tuesday, 28th November.
And remember, this is the same writer who is responsible for Masen Has Fallen ... one of my absolute favs.
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